how document  the Biz talk maps logics

Hi Experts,

I Have Biztalk maps in my applications, i want to document the logic's biztalk maps.

how to achieve this one, any free tools available?

please any one put valuable inputs.

Thanks and Regards,


October 10th, 2013 2:32am

Check out this :
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 10th, 2013 2:48am

try XSLT documentor .

refer Here

October 10th, 2013 6:19am

Please let me know how use the biztalk map documenter  and installaion process.

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
October 10th, 2013 7:01am

Ahmed ,

how use this sample, im strucked at this ponit of following, please any one put more inputs,when try copy the command paste im unable to genearte, when using ser doesnot biztalk server

Put the Microsoft command line transformation utility (msxsl.exe) file in the same folder as the BizTalkMapDocumenterHTML.xslt

In the command prompt, navigate to the folder containing the msxsl.exe file and a command like the following.  This will create an HTML file for a single btm map file:

msxsl "..\..\..\Source\Acme\Integration\Maps\SouceSystemA\MyMap.btm" BizTalkMapDocumenterHTML.xslt -o "MyMap.btm.html"

Or you can do more fancy stuff like:

  • Create an html file for each map file in a specified folder:
for %%f in ("..\..\..\Source\Acme\Integration\Maps\SouceSystemA\*.btm") do call msxsl "%%f" BizTalkMapDocumenterHTML.xslt -o "%%~nf.btm.html"
  • automating documentation of all maps as part of an MSBuild process (see sample on home page).


October 10th, 2013 9:17am

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